
Serving the cardiophile community since 2016.

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Hi there! If you're reading this, you probably have adblock enabled. And that's totally understandable, ads suck. But ads play a *huge* part in keeping this site up and running. And for small sites like this, adblockers can eat up a giant part of the site income. Even as small as it is, this site serves up hundreds of gigabytes worth of files, streams, chats, and forum posts each and every month, and those costs add up fast. So if you like this site and want to help support it, please whitelist us in your adblock settings.

There's only just the one ad on the top of the site, and that's all there will ever be. But if you just really don't like ads, please consider donating instead. Every little bit helps!

Thanks again, and enjoy the site!

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Amazing popover content! ×

I could have sworn I left something here.